Upgrade your marketing game with our new IB Marketing Tool

Category IconCategory : IB Admin Blog By: Calvin Morris Create Date 29-08-2024
Upgrade your marketing game with our new IB Marketing Tool

With immense pleasure, we bring to you our brand-new tool for IB Marketing, which is carefully crafted to cater to your forex brokerage smoothly and seamlessly. The tool would equip you with the unique resources that are required to grow your business without any hassle. In this blog, we will explore the tool and understand how one can make the most out of it in terms of lead generation, building brand awareness, and improving marketing strategies.

PheasanTech’s IB marketing tool would give you the ability to create and manage marketing campaigns that would leave a long-term impression on the users. Based on your audience, you can customize the IB banners, landing pages, and data analytics—everything at your fingertips. This tool offers a simple but effective strategy to upgrade your Forex Brokerage business by increasing your client base and optimizing your existing strategies.

What all you get from the IB Marketing Tool:

IB Banners creation:

Be it social media or any other marketing campaign, you can create banners of different sizes and easily upload and manage them.

IB landing pages are easy to launch:

While you create landing page links to banners, at the same time you can track the rates of clicks without any hassle.

Check how the IB link is working:

With this tool, you can track the performance of your IB link based on click event analytics. This way you get to know how effective the link is.

Banner codes based on your requirements:

You can generate banner codes customized as per your requirements. Get HTML codes integrated into your website swiftly.

See if the link is successful:

Check if your IB links are a success for your brokerage. You can conduct an in-depth analysis based on clicks, statuses, etc.

Want to know how our IB marketing tool can revolutionize your business?

Lead generation and client acquisition at its best:

With the help of our tool’s various strategies and resources, you can find new leads easily. Being an IB, you feel empowered and can promote your services effectively to aspiring traders. In a way, you easily grow your lead base.

Increased brand awareness and visibility:

Brokers can see the difference with our IB marketing tool. The IBs promote the brand on their social media platforms and other channels so that the brand becomes more popular and gains higher awareness and visibility. This way the broker can make his brand position stronger in this fiercely competitive market.

IB Marketing saves you money:

With a cost-effective approach, the IB Marketing tool brings great results while paying less. Here, brokers pay a commission to the IB and in turn get more value with this partnership.

Use of various marketing channels:

The IB marketing tool allows access to various social media platforms, content marketing, virtual seminars, and marketing events where IBs can reach potential leads through various modes of communication and uplift the marketing strategies for brokers.

Remunerations based on performance:

IBs get rewards in terms of commissions based on their and their sub-IB’s performance, and the broker witnesses maximum business on his portal. Such performance-based earnings would motivate both brokers and IBs to focus on acquiring high-quality clients.

Flexibility and New Ideas:

The IB's empowerment with such a wonderful tool would bring a flexible approach. Moreover, the IB would come up with some innovative ideas for marketing. By experimenting with various strategies based on market conditions, brokers can make sure that marketing is efficient and effective.

Developing long-term relationships with clients:

IBs can build strong, trustworthy relationships with their clients only if they land a personalized approach to support their sub-IBs in improving the retention rate and long-term relationships.

Contact us at www.pheasantech.com to explore all the features of our CRM along with the new IB Marketing Tool. WhatsApp us for further information.



Author: Calvin Morris

10+ years of expertise and knowledge in sales and marketing in Forex Industry. I love, live, and write with passion and not to brag but am also highly adept in Compliance and Legal issues resolving tasks, handled 500+ Forex Brokers/IB/Trader's, Back Office Management related responsibilities.

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