6 Tips on How to create and manage Forex Traders’& IB leads, in forex trading?

Category IconCategory : Forex CRM Admin Blog By: Calvin Morris Create Date 27-05-2019
6 Tips on How to create and manage Forex Traders’& IB leads, in forex trading?

Forex trading is a booming arena and there are billions of people who wants to do trading, across the world. People are constantly looking for platforms where they can do forex trading online. And not just the people, there are also Introducing Brokers or IBs which are brokerage firms dealing directly with set of clients. A good Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) needs them both, the individual traders and the IBs.

So, creation and maintenance of trading infrastructure is the most important task for you, if you wish to become a good FCM. The next step is… attracting more traders and IBs.

How to attract more traders and IBs on your forex trading platform?

Word-of-mouth plays a very important role in getting more traders on-board your forex trading platform. However, you need to apply strategic outreach and promotion campaigns on the internet to grow consistently. Digital marketing is very important for attracting more traders and IBs in forex trading.

  • 1. SEO: When people are actively looking for a forex trading platform, you need to make yourself visible there, on the search engines. SEO or Search Engine Optimization helps you move up in the list of Search Engine Result Pages and reach out to more people.
  • 2. PPC: When people are looking for certain keywords on search engines, you can show them your ads to get more traders onboard. PPC or Pay Per Click is an internet advertising model that allows you to get more traffic on your website in very cost-effective manner.
  • 3. SMM: These days, social media is the place where people are! You cab get noticed by more and more traders & IBs online by creating awareness, brand-building and engaging your target audience using SMM or Social Media Marketing.
  • 4. Email Marketing: Managing relationship with existing traders and potential traders through emails, is also important. You can create a positive impression and trust among the trader community by effective use of Email Marketing.

How to manage the forex traders and IB leads?

This is one of the most important function of any forex trading platform – Customer Relationship Management or CRM. It all depends on how your team manages potential and existing traders on your platform. Fortunately, the technology has made it a lot easier for your team to do that. A CRM application on your forex trading platform acts as a common touch point for all the traders on your platform. Today, having a forex CRM is one of the most important tools for any Futures Commission Merchant (FCM). Contact PheasanTech on [email protected] if you wish to create your own forex trading platform with the latest CRM software.

Managing traders’ leads:

The traders will judge you and your forex trading platform based on how you have managed interaction with them. This is why you need to pay more attention to this aspect of the business. When your team is approaching the potential traders and IBs, a CRM helps them streamline the operations and make the sales faster and more efficient. But most importantly, if your sales process is seamless, it creates a good experience in the customers’ minds and improves the chances of getting the trader on board.

Managing IB Leads:

A bit different from the individual traders, IB structure helps you grow your business exponentially. Because each IB brings along a set of loyal forex traders, managing IB leads has a little more importance than the individual trader leads. Also, IBs are usually experienced people so they know what is the actual scenario of forex trading industry. To attract and retain IBs, you need to focus more on communicating correctly and creating an impression of a trustable FCM. A CRM software helps your team to a great extent in managing the IB leads for your forex trading platform.

So, managing leads for your trading business is not a big rocket science but it is a little complicated for sure. And you’ll need a proper digital marketing strategy and CRM for an effective lead management. Contact PheasanTech if you think your idea has what it takes to be a successful Futures Commission Merchant (FCM); and you are ready to create your own forex trading platform. Click here to get a quote, now!



Author: Calvin Morris

10+ years of expertise and knowledge in sales and marketing in Forex Industry. I love, live, and write with passion and not to brag but am also highly adept in Compliance and Legal issues resolving tasks, handled 500+ Forex Brokers/IB/Trader's, Back Office Management related responsibilities.

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